Still my hands remember the outline of your body they stay warm like they still slip for the softness of your skin - poems about life, romantic poetry

Still my hands remember the outline of your body they stay warm like they still slip for the softness of your skin - Poem - love poem

still my hands remember the outline of your body

they stay warm like they still slip

for the softness of your skin

they could draw you right now

with your delicate arms

with the sun painting itself with sensuality

with the fragrance that goddesses carry

before possessing mortals

they could recreate the roundness of your breasts

the soft and firm that they held

to the hot fingertips

they could still cling to your waist

at the same rhythm that a new life rocks

they could play around the edges

in the limits where your breath is make


where you look up with your eyes closed

could hold your hands

to cross our destinations.


poem Still my hands remember the outline of your body they stay warm like they still slip for the softness of your skin poetry
Karen the girl of Facebook - short-story-karen-the-girl-of-facebook-short-scary-stories

Karen the girl of Facebook - Short Story

Karen the girl of Facebook - short-story-karen-the-girl-of-facebook-short-scary-stories

Karen is a girl who appears to be younger, she lives a lot of time connected to the Internet, most the people would say that she is an exemplary, loving, candy and responsible girl ... but someone who does not think that way he says that she is very dangerous and she should be in jail.

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Love Poems - Mystery Short Stories - John M3 Frame

poems subtle like the life, powerful as the short stories, fragile and strong like love. Poems impregnated with sentences from the heart, with mystery. poems that feel with the soul..

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