I like you, exclaimed in a vivid voice that boy who was agitated, romantic poetry

I like you, exclaimed in a vivid voice that boy who was agitated - Poem - love poem

I like you, exclaimed in a vivid voice that boy who was agitated

the naked mischievous girl looked towards the door

several times while her black hair, straight and hot

brushed the hard body of the boy who was already red

as if he wanted to tell her beautiful

as soon as she smiled and her eyes were seen between desire

and tenderness

every time I think of you

he told her showing his hardness, his firmness that it already wanted to exploit

The girl straightened up showing her slender body and then leaned towards him

bending and opening part of her little soul

I like you so much, said the boy and stretched

the beautiful girl's lips parted and her white teeth appeared

her legs spread and she dug in him

 softly and very slowly


poem i like you, exclaimed in a vivid voice that boy who was agitated poetry
Karen the girl of Facebook - short-story-karen-the-girl-of-facebook-short-scary-stories

Karen the girl of Facebook - Short Story

Karen the girl of Facebook - short-story-karen-the-girl-of-facebook-short-scary-stories

Karen is a girl who appears to be younger, she lives a lot of time connected to the Internet, most the people would say that she is an exemplary, loving, candy and responsible girl ... but someone who does not think that way he says that she is very dangerous and she should be in jail.

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Love Poems - Mystery Short Stories - John M3 Frame

poems subtle like the life, powerful as the short stories, fragile and strong like love. Poems impregnated with sentences from the heart, with mystery. poems that feel with the soul..

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