

Can the words be sad this day? - poem

Can the words be sad this day?

Can the words be sad this day?

Although the sun is shining more than ever,

Although the smiles of passersby don't disappear.

I love her as much as the eyes of those people do

When enjoying the light of a new day.

I love her with madness that compares with the cool shine

from the water shaking in a small stream,

She loves me, I know.

Now she's confused, she's locked in her world,

And I am in his oblivion.

Now in the midst of the crying, my heart moves away from her,

Love can be so ephemeral, but memories so alive?

A day like today, I loved her, I loved her.

And today

I'm letting that the fog of my memories

dissipates with the intense light of the sun in my hands.

these are erased as I write,

while the words are posing

on the warm paper sheet of a day like today.

Can the words be sad this day? - poem

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Karen the girl of Facebook - Short Story

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Karen is a girl who appears to be younger, she lives a lot of time connected to the Internet, most the people would say that she is an exemplary, loving, candy and responsible girl ... but someone who does not think that way he says that she is very dangerous and she should be in jail.

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